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ეზოთერიული ცოდნის ფორუმი > დამატებითი განყოფილება > გამონათქვამების კუთხე
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So, when you go to an astrologer, ask him how you will die – weeping or laughing?

anything else is nonessential.............

When there is no observer who is suffering, is the suffering different from you? You are the suffering, are you not? You are not apart from the pain,you are the pain. What happens? There is no labeling, there is no giving it a name and thereby brushing it aside,you are merely that pain, that feeling, that sense of agony. When you are that, what happens? When you do not name it, when there is no fear with regard to it, is the center related to it? If the center is related to it, then it is afraid of it. Then it must act and do something about it. But if the center is that, then what do you do? There is nothing to be done, is there? If you are that and you are not accepting it, not labeling it, not pushing it aside;if you are that thing, what happens? Do you say you suffer then? Surely, a fundamental transformation has taken place. Then there is no longer 'I suffer', because there is no center to suffer and the center suffers because we have never examined what the center is. We just live from word to word, from reaction to reaction.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life
შეუძლებელია კაცს მისცე რაიმე, რაც მის მიერ შესრულებული სამუშაოს გარეშე ადამიანის საკუთრება გახდებოდა. ასეთი ''დელდასხმა''- ჭეშმარიტებასთან ზიარება არ არსებობს. თუმცა სამწუხაროდ ადამიანებს ხშირად სჯერად მსგავსი სისულელეებისა. არსებობს მხოლოდ '' თვითზიარება''. შესაძლებელია მითითების, რჩევის მიცემა, მართვა, გაძღოლა, მაგრამ არა უშუალოდ'' ზიარება'', ნათელხილვის მინიჭება.
აი კიდევ ძაან მაგარი ..თუ მიხვდებით რასაც იძახის

Sometimes, as we ride on a big wave, we have the impression that we too are something special
and that big wave is forgotten. That big wave too is riding upon some sea, but even that sea is
forgotten. If that sea gives way underneath, the wave will disappear and we will also disappear.
We unnecessarily become unhappy over the possibility of our disappearance because we became
artificially happy through our belief in our own existence. We should have realized that there is only
a large wave and a vast sea, and that we are not – that it is the wish of the sea that we arise in it,
that it is the wish of the sea that we die.

Закон Бодхисатв гласит - если вознесся один, то может вознестись каждый,
пока не вознесся последний - не вознесся никто.
О процессе Творения

Услышал – прочувствуй,
Прочувствовал – осознай,
Осознавая – воплощай,
Воплощая – воссияй...

ძალიან მომეწონა!!! <3

კვლავ და კვლავ საოცარი კრიშნამურტი...

Self-Image Leads to Pain

Why divide problems as major and minor? Is not everything a problem? Why make them little or big problems, essential or unessential problems? If we could understand one problem, go into it very deeply however small or big it is, then we would uncover all problems. This is not a rhetorical answer. Take any problem: anger, jealousy, envy, hatred&,we know them all very well. If you go into anger very deeply, not just brush it aside, then what is involved? Why is one angry? Because one is hurt, someone has said an unkind thing; and when someone says a flattering thing you are pleased. Why are you hurt? Self-importance, is it not? And why is there self-importance?
Because one has an idea, a symbol of oneself, an image of oneself, what one should be, what one is or what one should not be. Why does one create an image about oneself? Because one has never studied what one is, actually. We think we should be this or that, the ideal, the hero, the example. What awakens anger is that our ideal, the idea we have of ourselves, is attacked. And our idea about ourselves is our escape from the fact of what we are. But when you are observing the actual fact of what you are, no one can hurt you. Then, if one is a liar and is told that one is a liar it does not mean that one is hurt; it is a fact. But when you are pretending you are not a liar and are told that you are, then you get angry, violent. So we are always living in an ideational world, a world of myth and never in the world of actuality. To observe what is, to see it, actually be familiar with it, there must be no judgment, no evaluation, no opinion, no fear.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life
QUOTE(Existence @ 14th July 2011 - 11:02 PM) *
Sometimes, as we ride on a big wave, we have the impression that we too are something special
and that big wave is forgotten. That big wave too is riding upon some sea, but even that sea is
forgotten. If that sea gives way underneath, the wave will disappear and we will also disappear.
We unnecessarily become unhappy over the possibility of our disappearance because we became
artificially happy through our belief in our own existence. We should have realized that there is only
a large wave and a vast sea, and that we are not – that it is the wish of the sea that we arise in it,
that it is the wish of the sea that we die.

ამის გაგრძელება

If an attitude arises in which we realize that we are only a fraction of the grand desire of the infinite,
then there will be no unhappiness. And with such an attitude, the so-called happiness which we want
to enjoy will also not be present. The feeling of happiness over such thoughts as, ”I have won, I have
earned,” will no longer remain. Nor will there be a feeling of unhappiness over such thoughts as, ”I
am dying, I am finished, I have drowned; I have been destroyed or defeated.” When both happiness
and unhappiness no longer remain, we enter into the world of reality – the essential – where there
is bliss.

აი სიბრძნე smile.gif

გადაგზავნა აუცილებელი არაა
აუ ეხლა დავაკვირდი მე რასაც ვდებ და Qocho ერთდაიგივე რაღაცაზე მიდის ლაპარაკი სხვადასხვა სიტყვებით .. biggrin.gif


QUOTE(Existence @ 17th July 2011 - 03:29 PM) *
QUOTE(Existence @ 14th July 2011 - 11:02 PM)
Sometimes, as we ride on a big wave, we have the impression that we too are something special
and that big wave is forgotten. That big wave too is riding upon some sea, but even that sea is
forgotten. If that sea gives way underneath, the wave will disappear and we will also disappear.
We unnecessarily become unhappy over the possibility of our disappearance because we became
artificially happy through our belief in our own existence. We should have realized that there is only
a large wave and a vast sea, and that we are not – that it is the wish of the sea that we arise in it,
that it is the wish of the sea that we die.

ამის გაგრძელება

If an attitude arises in which we realize that we are only a fraction of the grand desire of the infinite,
then there will be no unhappiness. And with such an attitude, the so-called happiness which we want
to enjoy will also not be present. The feeling of happiness over such thoughts as, ”I have won, I have
earned,” will no longer remain. Nor will there be a feeling of unhappiness over such thoughts as, ”I
am dying, I am finished, I have drowned; I have been destroyed or defeated.” When both happiness
and unhappiness no longer remain, we enter into the world of reality – the essential – where there
is bliss.

აი სიბრძნე


QUOTE(Qocho @ 16th July 2011 - 10:09 PM) *
კვლავ და კვლავ საოცარი კრიშნამურტი...

Self-Image Leads to Pain

Why divide problems as major and minor? Is not everything a problem? Why make them little or big problems, essential or unessential problems? If we could understand one problem, go into it very deeply however small or big it is, then we would uncover all problems. This is not a rhetorical answer. Take any problem: anger, jealousy, envy, hatred&,we know them all very well. If you go into anger very deeply, not just brush it aside, then what is involved? Why is one angry? Because one is hurt, someone has said an unkind thing; and when someone says a flattering thing you are pleased. Why are you hurt? Self-importance, is it not? And why is there self-importance?
Because one has an idea, a symbol of oneself, an image of oneself, what one should be, what one is or what one should not be. Why does one create an image about oneself? Because one has never studied what one is, actually. We think we should be this or that, the ideal, the hero, the example. What awakens anger is that our ideal, the idea we have of ourselves, is attacked. And our idea about ourselves is our escape from the fact of what we are. But when you are observing the actual fact of what you are, no one can hurt you. Then, if one is a liar and is told that one is a liar it does not mean that one is hurt; it is a fact. But when you are pretending you are not a liar and are told that you are, then you get angry, violent. So we are always living in an ideational world, a world of myth and never in the world of actuality. To observe what is, to see it, actually be familiar with it, there must be no judgment, no evaluation, no opinion, no fear.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life

Qocho ..ისე შენი კრიშნამურტის ყველაზე მაგარი, ..მაგარი არ არის კარგი სიტყვა, ...essential
გამონათქვამია smile.gif

აი ეს ------------- > '' the Observer is the Observed."

ან ესე --> Наблюдатель есть наблюдаемое

მაგრამ ეს სიტყვები ტრანსცედენტულ ცნობიერებაშია ნათქვამი და თუ მედიტაციური (ან უნდა გრძნობდე რასაც ლაპარაკობს ინტუიციურად ) გამოცდილება არა გაქვს უბრალოდ სიტყვების რახარუხია..............

ოშოს აზრი მის ამ გამონათქვამთან დაკავშირებით ვისაც აინტერესებს

''The statement that "the observer is the observed" is one of the most significant things ever said by any man on the earth. The statement is as extraordinary as J. Krishnamurti was'' smile.gif

დანარჩენი აქ -->

"ფილოსოფოსები არიან ადამიენბი, რომლებსაც დაუსვამ კითხვას და პასუხის მოსმენასთან ერთად ,გაუგებარი ხდება კითხვაც, რომელიც დასვი" smile.gif)))
The questioner wants to know how he can act freely and without self-repression when he knows his action must hurt those he loves. You know, to love is to be free;both parties are free. Where there is the possibility of pain, where there is the possibility of suffering in love, it is not love, it is merely a subtle form of possession, of acquisitiveness. If you love, really love someone, there is no possibility of giving him pain when you do something that you think is right. It is only when you want that person to do what you desire or he wants you to do what he desires, that there is pain. That is, you like to be possessed; you feel safe, secure, comfortable; though you know that comfort is but transient, you take shelter in that comfort, in that transience. So each struggle for comfort, for encouragement, really but betrays the lack of inward richness; and therefore an action separate, apart from the other individual naturally creates disturbance, pain and suffering; and one individual has to suppress what he really feels in order to adjust himself to the other. In other words, this constant repression, brought about by so-called love, destroys the two individuals. In that love there is no freedom; it is merely a subtle bondage.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life

სიკვდილამდე ეს თუ ვერ გააკეთე ჩათვალე რო ვერც ვერაფერი ვერ გააკეთე.............. babu.gif

(რავი მე ესე ვგრძნობ.........

You are born out of the mother’s womb, and you have to find the womb again in existence. If you can
find the womb again in existence, the same warmth, the same life, the same love, the same care in
existence – then existence becomes your home, your mother.

ოშო Tao The Three reasures

აუ რა მაგარი გრძნობებია სიტყვებში ............
To me the religious man is not one, who is above nature, but is the man who is totally natural, fully natural, who has explored nature in all its dimensions, who has not left anything unexpolored. Animals are prisoners; they have a certain limited area of being. Man has the capacity, the intelligence, the freedom to explore. And if you have explored nature totally, you have come home. Nature is your home.

ისევ ოშო
„ნუ ამბობთ, რომ შეუძლებელია ღვთაებრივი სულის მიღება.
ნუ ამბობთ, რომ ღმერთი უხილავია ადამიანთათვის.
ნუ ამბობთ, რომ ადამიანები ვერ ხედავენ ღვთაებრივ ნათელს, ანდაც ის, რომ ეს შეუძლებელია ჩვენს დროში.
ეს არასდროს არ არის შეუძლებელი მეგობრებო და ძალიანაც შესაძლებელია მსურველთათვის.“

წმინდა სიმეონ ახალი ღვთისმეტყველი
ციტატა(Qocho @ Jul 13 2011, 12:42 AM) *
შეუძლებელია კაცს მისცე რაიმე, რაც მის მიერ შესრულებული სამუშაოს გარეშე ადამიანის საკუთრება გახდებოდა. ასეთი ''დელდასხმა''- ჭეშმარიტებასთან ზიარება არ არსებობს. თუმცა სამწუხაროდ ადამიანებს ხშირად სჯერად მსგავსი სისულელეებისა. არსებობს მხოლოდ '' თვითზიარება''. შესაძლებელია მითითების, რჩევის მიცემა, მართვა, გაძღოლა, მაგრამ არა უშუალოდ'' ზიარება'', ნათელხილვის მინიჭება.
Лучшее действие - это действие бездействием.

"Material life means to see with the eyes; jnana means to see with the intelligence and bhakti means to see with the eyes of love trhough the heart."

"In the material sense, surrender means to give up, against our will. And it is a miserable idea."

რადჰანათჰა სვამი

ლაო ძის ერთ ერთი იშვიათი პასუხი :

”I drift in the air like a brown leaf; let the wind take me where it wills let it take me high in the sky,am

not swollen with pride that I have attained great heights. Let it drop me to the ground, I do not sit to

weep that I have been slighted, insulted. When the breeze lifts me up into the air, I take the pleasure

of floating in the skies and when it throws me to the ground, I delight in complete relaxation. When

it takes me East, I go East; when it takes me West, I go West. I have no direction of my own. I have

nowhere to go. And I have no reason to annoy the wind either! That could only have been, if I had a

will of my own. Then I could have directed the wind where to go but I have no desire of my own.”

When the baby is in danger he doesn't go to the internet, he doesn't analyze his strengths and his weaknesses. Neither does he philosophize. He simply spontaneously and instantly cries from the core of his heart for the mother's help. We also have to give up our own endeavors and rather begfor shelter and cry for mercy from Krishna.

ვინც ინგლისური კარგად იცით მხატვრულად თარგმნეთ რა smile.gif
Suppose you had never read a book, religious or psychological, and you had to find the meaning, the significance of life. How would you set about it? Suppose there were no Masters, no religious organizations, no Buddha, no Christ, and you had to begin from the beginning. How would you set about it? First, you would have to understand your process of thinking, would you not?-and not project yourself, your thoughts, into the future and create a God who pleases you; that would be too childish. So first you would have to understand the process of your thinking. That is the only way to discover anything new, is it not?
When we say that learning or knowledge is an impediment, a hindrance, we are not including technical knowledge, how to drive a car, how to run machinery or the efficiency that such knowledge brings. We have in mind quite a different thing: that sense of creative happiness that no amount of knowledge or learning will bring. To be creative in the truest sense of that word is to be free of the past from moment to moment, because it is the past that is continually shadowing the present. Merely to cling to information, to the experiences of others, to what someone has said, however great, and try to approximate your action to that;all that is knowledge, is it not? But to discover anything new you must start on your own; you must start on a journey completely denuded, especially of knowledge, because it is very easy, through knowledge and belief, to have experiences; but these experiences are merely the products of self-projection and therefore utterly unreal, false.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life
ეს სიტყვები მგონი აქ დაიდო სადღაც, კიდევ ერთხელ დავდებ smile.gif


Первоначальное еврейское слово ''тешува'' означает «покайтесь». Тешува означает «вернитесь», кроме того слово тешува означает «ответьте». Оба значения прекрасны. Вернуться к Богу - значит ответить ему. Это одна из самых прекрасных вещей в иудаизме, это один из величайших вкладов иудаизма в религию. Это следует понять, потому что без понимания этого вы никогда не поймете Иисуса.

Покайтесь, ибо приблизилось Царство Небесное. Это будет звучать совершенно по-другому, если слово не будет переведено как «покайтесь», а будет оставлено его первоначальное значение: «вернитесь». Это то, о чем говорит Патанджали в своей «Йога-сутре» - что пратьяхара есть «возвращение к самому себе». Это то, что имеет в виду Махавира, когда говорит о движении внутрь: практикрамана, движение внутрь.

Слово тешува имеет значение, совершенно отличное от «покайтесь». Когда вы говорите «покайся», создается впечатление, что человек является грешником: возникает глубокое осуждение его. Но если вы скажете «вернись», не будет никаких вопросов о грехе, не возникнет никакого осуждения. Это просто говорит о том, что вы ушли слишком далеко, что вы слишком долго играли - пожалуйста, возвращайтесь обратно. Ребенок играл на улице, наступает вечер, садится солнце, и мать зовет: «Пожалуйста, вернись домой». Совершенно другое качество, совершенно другой смысл. В этом Нет никакого осуждения, просто глубокая любовь зовет: «Вернись!»
Вы думаете, я знаю, что я делаю?
Что на одно дыхание или полдыхания
я принадлежу самому себе? —

Не более, чем перо знает, что оно пишет,
Или мяч ведает, куда покатится дальше.


ოქროს სიტყვებია
Мир состоит из глаголов, а не из существительных
ღმერთი არის ზმნა
ღმერთობს და არა ღმერთი........ .....სახლობს და არა სახლი...... მდინარეობს და არა მდინარე........
A religious mind is free of all authority. And it is extremely difficult to be free from authority not only the authority imposed by another but also the authority of the experience that one has gathered, which is of the past, which is tradition. And the religious mind has no beliefs; it has no dogmas; it moves from fact to fact, and therefore the religious mind is the scientific mind. But the scientific mind is not the religious mind. The religious mind includes the scientific mind, but the mind that is trained in the knowledge of science is not a religious mind.
A religious mind is concerned with the totality not with a particular function, but with the total functioning of human existence. The brain is concerned with a particular function; it specializes. It functions in specialization as a scientist, a doctor, an engineer, a musician, an artist, a writer. It is these specialized, narrowed-down techniques that create division, not only inwardly but outwardly. The scientist is probably regarded as the most important man required by society just now, as is the doctor. So function becomes all-important; and with it goes status, status being prestige. So where there is specialization there must be contradiction and a narrowing-down, and that is the function of the brain

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life
ღმერთმა თავისი ძალაუფლება რომ მომცემს უამრავ რამეს შევცვლიდი ამქვეყნად, მაგრამ თავისი გონიერებაც რომ დამიმატოს, ყველაფერს ისე დავტოვებდი როგორც არის...

არ მახსოვს ვისი სიტყვებია unsure.gif
vano kazbegi
სმენა, შეხება და გრძნობა ამ სამივეშია სიყვარული და სიძულვილი.
სწავლა, გამოცდა და შრომა ამ სამივეშია მშვიდობა და ომი.
იბადებიან, ცხოვრობენ და კვდებიან ამ სამივეშია ბედნიერება და უბედურება.
ადამიანებმა რომ იცოდნენ რა არის სიკვდლის ნეტარება, ყველანი თავს მოიკლავდნენ.
( ვანგა ბულგარელი).
ადამიანებმა რომ, იცოდეს რა არის ცოდვა - თავს ვეღარ მოიკლავდნე - ისინი ღვთისგან მონანიებას მოითხოვდნენ .
არ ცოდნა არ ცოდვააო - მასე მკვლელებსაც არ ცოდნია და ჰკლავდნენ.
There are many people who will give you the purpose of life; they will tell you what the sacred books say. Clever people will go on inventing what the purpose of life is. The political group will have one purpose, the religious group will have another purpose, and so on and on. So, what is the purpose of life when you yourself are confused? When I am confused, I ask you this question, "What is the purpose of life?" because I hope that through this confusion, I shall find an answer. How can I find a true answer when I am confused? Do you understand? If I am confused, I can only receive an answer that is also confused. If my mind is confused, if my mind is disturbed, if my mind is not beautiful, quiet, whatever answer I receive will be through this screen of confusion, anxiety, and fear; therefore, the answer will be perverted. So, what is important is not to ask, "What is the purpose of life, of existence?" but to clear the confusion that is within you. It is like a blind man who asks, "What is light?" If I tell him what light is, he will listen according to his blindness, according to his darkness; but suppose he is able to see, then he will never ask the question, "What is light?" It is there.
Similarly, if you can clarify the confusion within yourself, then you will find what the purpose of life is; you will not have to ask, you will not have to look for it; all that you have to do is to be free from those causes which bring about confusion.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life

That is the meaning when Jesus says, "God is love." I say to you: Love is God. God can be forgotten, but don't forget love -- because it is the purification of love that will bring you to God. If you forget about God completely, nothing is lost. But don't forget love, because love is the bridge. Love is the process of alchemical change in your consciousness.

ძალიან თბილი სიტყვებია და ცხოვრებაში გამოსაყენებელი wub.gif
Prayer, which is a supplication, a petition, can never find that reality which is not the outcome of a demand. We demand, supplicate, pray, only when we are in confusion, in sorrow, and not understanding that confusion and sorrow, we turn to somebody else. The answer to prayer is our own projection; in one way or another it is always satisfactory, gratifying, otherwise we would reject it. So, when one has learned the trick of quieting the mind through repetition, one keeps on with that habit, but the answer to supplication must obviously be shaped according to the desire of the person who supplicates.
Now, prayer, supplication, petition, can never uncover that which is not the projection of the mind. To find that which is not the fabrication of the mind, the mind must be quiet, not made quiet by the repetition of words, which is self-hypnosis, nor by any other means of inducing the mind to be still.
Stillness that is induced, enforced, is not stillness at all. It is like putting a child in the corner superficially he may be quiet, but inwardly he is boiling. So, a mind that is made quiet by discipline is never really quiet, and stillness that is induced can never uncover that creative state in which reality comes into being.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life
A Marvelous Escape

What is the impetus behind the search for God, and is that search real? For most of us, it is an escape from actuality. So, we must be very clear in ourselves whether this search after God is an escape, or whether it is a search for truth in everything -truth in our relationships, truth in the value of things, truth in ideas. If we are seeking God merely because we are tired of this world and its miseries, then it is an escape. Then we create God, and therefore it is not God. The God of the temples, of the books, is not God, obviously-it is a marvelous escape. But if we try to find the truth, not in one exclusive set of actions, but in all our actions, ideas, and relationships, if we seek the right evaluation of food, clothing, and shelter, then because our minds are capable of clarity and understanding, when we seek reality we shall find it. It will not then be an escape. But if we are confused with regard to the things of the world -food, clothing, shelter, relationship, and ideas-how can we find reality? We can only invent reality. So, God, truth, or reality, is not to be known by a mind that is confused, conditioned, limited. How can such a mind think of reality or God? It has first to decondition itself.It has to free itself from its own limitations, and only then can it know what God is, obviously not before. Reality is the unknown, and that which is known is not the real.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life
დედა ტერეზას სიტყვები მიმაქვს..

Бог дает человеку не то, что он хочет, а то, что ему надо. Поэтому не спрашивайте: «за что?» , а подумайте: «для чего?»

То, что мы есть сегодня,— это следствие наших вчерашних мыслей, а сегодняшние мысли создают завтрашнюю жизнь. Жизнь — это порождение нашего разума.


Вода говорит тем, кто нечист: "Послушайте, идите сюда,
ибо моя природа сопричастна природе Бога.
Я могу принять всю вашу грязь
и сделать даже беса чистым как ангел.
Когда я загрязняюсь,
я возвращаюсь к Источнику источника чистоты.
Там я снимаю через голову рубаху
и Он наделяет меня чистой одеждой опять.
Таков Его труд, а мой труд таков же:
''Господь людей' украшает мир".

перевод Леонида Тираспольского
Портят людей не сигареты, не алкоголь и не образ жизни.
это всё мелочи по сравнению с тем, как портят людей люди!
Your God Is Not God

A man who believes in God can never find God. If you are open to reality, there can be no belief in reality. If you are open to the unknown, there can be no belief in it. After all, belief is a form of self-protection, and only a petty mind can believe in God. Look at the belief of the aviators during the war who said God was their companion as they were dropping bombs! So you believe in God when you kill, when you are exploiting people. You worship God and go on ruthlessly extorting money, supporting the army; yet you say you believe in mercy, compassion, kindliness. As long as belief exists, there can never be the unknown; you cannot think about the unknown, thought cannot measure it. The mind is the product of the past, it is the result of yesterday, and can such a mind be open to the unknown? It can only project an image, but that projection is not real; so your god is not God, it is an image of your own making, an image of your own gratification. There can be reality only when the mind understands the total process of itself and comes to an end. When the mind is completely empty-only then is it capable of receiving the unknown. The mind is not purged until it understands the content of relationship -its relationship with property, with people until it has established the right relationship with everything. Until it understands the whole process of conflict in relationship, the mind cannot be free. Only when the mind is wholly silent, completely inactive, not projecting, when it is not seeking and is utterly still -only then that which is eternal and timeless comes into being.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life
The Religious Man

What is the state of the mind that says, "I do not know whether there is God, whether there is love," that is, when there is no response of memory? Please don't immediately answer the question to yourselves because if you do, your answer will be merely the recognition of what you think it should or should not be. If you say, "It is a state of negation," you are comparing it with something that you already know; therefore, that state in which you say, ""I do not know"" is nonexistent.
So the mind that is capable of saying, "I do not know," is in the only state in which anything can be discovered. But the man who says, "I know," the man who has studied infinitely the varieties of human experience and whose mind is burdened with information, with encyclopedic knowledge, can he ever experience something which is not to be accumulated? He will find it extremely hard. When the mind totally puts aside all the knowledge that it has acquired, when for it there are no Buddhas, no Christs, no Masters, no teachers, no religions, no quotations; when the mind is completely alone, uncontaminated, which means that the movement of the known has come to an end; it is only then that there is a possibility of a tremendous revolution, a fundamental change. The religious man is he who does not belong to any religion, to any nation, to any race, who is inwardly completely alone, in a state of not-knowing, and for him the blessing of the sacred comes into being.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life
Мир состоит из глаголов, а не из существительных

ყველაზე საყვარელი წინადადება !!!
QUOTE(sky @ 23rd December 2011 - 12:24 AM) *
Мир состоит из глаголов, а не из существительных

მეც ძალიან მიყვარს ზუსტად გამოხატავს ჩემ აღქმას ..........
საჭირო სიტყვებია...

If you find it difficult to be aware, then experiment with writing down every thought and feeling that arises throughout the day; write down your reactions of jealousy, envy, vanity, sensuality, the intentions behind your words, and so on.
Spend some time before breakfast in writing them down, which may necessitate going to bed earlier and putting aside some social affair. If you write these things down whenever you can, and in the evening before sleeping look over all that you have written during the day, study and examine it without judgment, without condemnation, you will begin to discover the hidden causes of your thoughts and feelings, desires and words.
Now, the important thing in this is to study with free intelligence what you have written down, and in studying it you will become aware of your own state. In the flame of self-awareness, of self-knowledge, the causes of conflict are discovered and consumed. You should continue to write down your thoughts and feelings, intentions and reactions, not once or twice, but for a considerable number of days until you are able to be aware of them instantly.
Meditation is not only constant self-awareness, but constant abandonment of the self. Out of right thinking there is meditation, from which there comes the tranquility of wisdom; and in that serenity the highest is realized.
Writing down what one thinks and feels, one's desires and reactions, brings about an inward awareness, the cooperation of the unconscious with the conscious, and this in turn leads to integration and understanding.

J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life
”მილიონობით ნიღაბს ვიზომავთ და ბოლოს ყველაზე ყალბს ,ყველაზე უხეშს,ყველაე მახინჯს ამოვირჩევთ და ისე გეწებება ეს ოხერი რო კანიანად გინდა აიდღლიზო სახიდან...მაგრამ ვაი, რომ აღარ შეგწევს ამისი ძალა და ღონე..”
You are frightened of death because you have postponed it.

The Difference Between Rich/Poor People

One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live.
They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.
On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was the trip?"
"It was great, Dad."
"Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked.
"Oh yeah," said the son.
"So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.
The son answered:
"I saw that we have one dog and they had four.
We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end.
We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night.
Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.
We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.
We have servants who serve us, but they serve others.
We buy our food, but they grow theirs.
We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them."
The boy's father was speechless.
Then his son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are."
Isn't perspective a wonderful thing?
Makes you wonder what would happen if we all gave thanks for everything we have, instead of worrying about what we don't have.
20 Quotes For Getting Through Tough Times

1. Tough times never last, but tough people do. - Robert H Schuller

2. The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them. – Unknown

3. Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don’t pray when it rains if you don’t pray when the sun shines. - Leroy Satchel Paige

4. A problem is a chance for you to do your best. – Duke Ellington

5. I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader shoulders. – Jewish Proverb

6. If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. – Mary Engelbreit

7. When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always get worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad they have to get better. – Malcolm S Forbes

8. Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is a greater. Possession pampers the mind; privation trains and strengthens it. - William Hazlitt

9. Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity. – Lou Holtz

10. I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death. - Thomas Paine

11. If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are? - Unknown

12. The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. - Ulysses S. Grant

13. The bravest sight in the world is to see a great man struggling against adversity. – Seneca

14. Adversity is a fact of life. It can’t be controlled. What we can control is how we react to it. – Unknown

15. The true test of a person character is how they stand during test of adversity - Unknown

16. The hardest struggle of all is to be something different from what the average man is. – Charles M Schwab

17. He knows not his own strength who hath not met adversity. – William Samuel Johnson

18. In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive. – Lee Iacocca

19. Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them. – Publilius Syrus

20. One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity. – Albert Schweitzer
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